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Ethics - Interpersonal Relations


Self-centred, and therefore destructive, is what egoism is often seen as. However, all actions are self-centred, as we have already said, at least in intention. The only difference is that ethical judgment on reason instead of faith or whim is grounded by Objectivism. Explicit our values should be, rational our ethical judgement, and egoist our attitude.


We should not be destructive or exploitative. To cooperate harmoniously with society at large, is in our best interest, since dependant on other people for our survival and happiness we all are. No one produces his own food, lodging or tools anymore. Good will is demanded by modernity. Values which can only be pursued with other people are friendships, love and intellectual discussion.


The Objectivist must follow this simple principle in his relations with other people:


" I will not sacrifice myself to anyone - nor sacrifice anyone to myself " --Ayn Rand


The Golden Mean regulates our relationship with others, like anything else in ethics. Altruist tendencies are subjecting us to the whims of others, as well as subjecting others to our whims - their goal, instead of flourishing and harmony, is sacrifice and discord.

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